strong_freken (strong_freken) wrote in ru_royalty,


Король и королева Испании посетили Кантабрию

Letizia's husband Felipe (pictured centre) complemented her fashionable outfit by wearing a light blue shirt, smart trousers and a pair of brown leather shoes
Сначала Их Величества посетили Национальный скотный рынок в Торрелавеге.
The mother-of-two (above), 47, joined her husband King Felipe VI, 52, for a visit to the National Cattle Market in Torrelavega, Cantabria

Showing off her stylish wardrobe, Letizia (seen with her husband) wowed in a pretty rose-embellished ensemble for the occasion The royal (pictured with her husband) first sported the ensemble in 2018 during a solo tour to the Dominican Republic

Both Letizia (pictured) and Felipe put safety first as they continued to wear face masks for their royal engagements The parents, pictured is Felipe, were not accompanied by their two daughters Princess Leonor, 14 and Princess Sofia, 13

Letizia stunned in the understated blue jumpsuit adorned with flowers as she met with Cantabria's regional President Miguel Angel Revilla, pictured left, wearing a blue blazer

King Felipe and Queen Letizia hand out an award at the National Cattle Market following their tour of the organisation

Keeping her jewellery to a minimum, Letizia (pictured centre) wore small silver earrings and her hair in a casual updo

Letizia and Felipe are seen looking at the livestock when visiting the National Cattle Market in Torrelavega

Затем король с королевой отправились в рыбный порт Сантоньи.
Following their visit to the National Cattle Market in Torrelavega, Cantabria, the couple travelled to the Santoña fishing port (pictured)

Felipe and Letizia, pictured, have been attending a range of touristic and cultural engagements to help boost the country's economy following their stringent lockdown

The royal and her husband were shown around the picturesque fishing port of Santoña (above) to hear about the situation regarding the sector following the COVID-19 pandemic

The former journalist, pictured with her husband, enhanced her summer ensemble with a smokey eye makeup look, while keeping her mask on

The couple's (pictured) trips today are part of a tour that will take the pair through several Spanish autonomous communities with the objective of supporting economic, social and cultural activity after the coronavirus outbreak

Letizia's jumpsuit fell to her ankles revealing a glimpse of her matching skyscraper wedges which boasted delicate ankle straps. Pictured, the couple posing together

On Monday, the couple, pictured at the fishing port of Santoña, visited the Ramon y Cajal centre of Aspace (Cerebral Palsy Association) in Navarra

The couple's visit, above, marks the fourteenth community the pair have visited on their tour that began in late June once lockdown restrictions were lifted amid the coronavirus pandemic

не Летиции комбинезон Uterque
Tags: Испания - Король Фелипе, Испания -Королева Летиция, Королевская семья Испании

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