strong_freken (strong_freken) wrote in ru_royalty,


Уильям и Кейт посетили ферму Manor недалеко от Дарлингтона

The couple were given a tour of the fifth-generation family-run mixed cattle, sheep and arable farm near Darlington, and were seen visiting the cattle, calving and lambing sheds with owners Clare Wise and Stewart Chapman
Принцу и его жене устроили экскурсию по семейной ферме, на которой содержится крупный рогатый скот, овцы и имеются пахотные угодия.
Кембриджи знакомятся с фермерской семьёй: Клэр Уайз (слева), её дочерьми, её мужем Стюартом Чапманом и её родителями.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge meet farming family, Clare Wise (left) her children Clover, 9, Penelope, 7, Wren, 4 and her husband Stewart Chapman and her parents

The Duke and Duchess  meet farming family, Clare Wise (left) her children Clover, 9, Penelope, 7, Wren, 4 and her husband Stewart Chapman and her parents, during their visit to Manor Farm in Little Stainton

The Duchess appeared in high spirits during her visit to the farm in Little Stainton earlier today, while the Duke could be seen chatting animatedly

Kate opted to rewear her cosy white £195 jumper from Troy London for the occasion, and paired the knit with a khaki green jacket

The couple looked right at home as they

Слева девятилетняя дочь фермера
The mother-of-three appeared in high spirits as she stroked a lamb alongside farms daughter Clover Chapman, 9, during a visit to Manor Farm

Kate and nine-year-old farmer's daughter Clover then walked a lamb together, watched by her parents and Prince William

Kate and nine-year-old farmer's daughter Clover then walked a lamb together, watched by her parents and Prince William

While the Duchess appeared happy to be hands on with the sheep, Prince William stood a little further back from the animals during the visit

The mother-of-three showed off her relaxed nature as she chatted with farmers daughter Clover Chapman and stroked a baby lamb

Kate appeared relaxed as she chatted with farmers daughter Clover during the visit to the farm in Durham earlier today

The Duke and Duchess later sat down on a hay bale as they chatted with owners Clare Wise and Stewart Chapman

The couple appeared relaxed as they chatted with the farm owners during their visit to  Manor Farm in Little Stainton, Durham today

The Duchess showed off her country-chic style during the visit today, opting to wear a £190 shooting jacket from Seeland.

The Duchess showed off her country-chic style during the visit today, opting to wear a £190 shooting jacket from Seeland.

The Duke and Duchess beamed as they were given a tour of the cattle sheds by farmer Stewart Chapman and his wife Claire Wise  (pictured)

The mother-of-three appeared in high spirits and could be seen chatting animatedly to farmer Claire while on a tour of the cattle sheds today

The mother-of-three opted to rewear a cosy white jumper from Troy London with a white pie-collar Sezane blouse for the visit earlier today

In the drivers seat! Meanwhile the Duke opted to wear a face mask as he joined farmer Stewart Chapman in his tractor on the farm

Farmer Stewart appeared to be offering the Duke of Cambridge instructions on how to drive a tractor during a visit to Manor Farm in Little Stainton

Farmer Stewart Chapman walks with the Duchess after she drove a tractor on the farm earlier today

The Duchess later joined Stewart in the tractor, donning a colourful floral face mask as she gently moved the wheel to steer the tractor

Down to earth Duchess! Kate opted to rewear a pair of boots she has had for 17 years for the visit today, and paired the trusty shoes with a cosy white jumper from sustainable brand Troy London

на Кэтрин куртка Seeland за 189,99 фунтов
Tags: Британия - Герцог Кембриджский, Британия -Герцогиня Кембриджская, Британская королевская семья

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